Calvarymen Prayer Meeting 5/6/10

Breakfast fellowship with the host's home cooked
& scrumptious mixed food and fruit .

On behalf of Calvarymen, Siew Chyuan presented
a gift to appreciate Brother Paul for his sharing .

Guess whose hand phones? Some men got more
than one h/p. We had a "h/p game" this morning
and the winner goes to Michael Tung .

Philip Chan came back from Indonesia just for
this meeting and he successfully recruited 3
managers in Medan .

Calvarymen share their testimonies .


Date : June 5th 2010, Sat, Agong's Birthday

Speaker : Prof. Dr. Paul Nah

Topic : CC SAGA --Ending Victoriously from God's Perspective

Venue : No. 20 Jalan Tualang, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur