Games Week @ K.Cendana 26/06/10

We sang this hymn "Experience of God- As The

Everlasting Portion" after our breakfast .

This hymn is composed by Brother Johnny Chai .

Our group photo for this fellowship .

We sang hymns"Experience Of God--As The
Everlasting Portion" .

Johnny brought two visitors to the group, her
sister Mercy from Taiwan and Mary.

We sang hymns "Lord Keep My Heart"
composed by Brother Johnny .

Jim Boon came for this games fellowship for the
second time and he enjoyed the game.
He sponsored some 100 Plus and juices .

Amanda played with her dad, Jim Boon.

Dawrayn played badminton with her mum, Grace .

Calvarymen Games Week

Date : 26th June 2010

Time : 7.30 to 10.30am, Sat

Games : Tennis, Badminton & Table Tennis

Names of Players:


Douglas Foo

How Chin Kwan

Chua Jim Boon

Amanda Chua

Johnny Chai

Grace Chai



Mercy Chai


Maureen Lam